Dublin LGFA Weekly Info Update
- Dec 02,2011
Dublin LGFA Information Update:
Dublin U14 Inter County Panel 2012:
Dublin U14 trials will be commencing shortly, clubs have received communication from the Dublin U14 manager Terry Jennings via the office regarding the procedure for nominating players for assessments please be aware that the deadline for submission of nominations is next Monday the 5th of December.
Dublin U16 and Minor trials are already well underway regular updates and information on the trials will be posted up on the website.
Dub Stars 2011:
The 2011 Dub Stars tournament will take place on the 27th of December in St Brigids GAA club, Navan Road. The Camogie Dub Stars versus Dublin will commence at 11am while the football Dub Stars versus Dublin will have a 12:30pm throw in time. Pat Stritch is the manager of the 2011 Dub Star team. More information to follow...
New Look Website:
Our new look website was launched at our Annual Convention a few weeks ago anyone experiencing difficulties in viewing the website should either hit the F5 bottom on their keyboard or refresh the page in order to upload the new version. www.dublinladiesgaelic.ie
Missing Silverware:
The County Board would like to be in a position to represent the trophies to the 2011 competition winners but a number of adult trophies / cups have still not be returned to the County Board therefore can clubs who were presented with cups in 2010 and indeed years previously please return the cups to the office in Le Chéile as soon as possible please.
Executive Committee 2012:
At our Annual Convention on the 19th of November last a number of Executive Committee positions where not filled clubs are requested to submit nominations for the posts of (1) County Secretary, (2) PRO, (3) Registrar in writing to the office by Monday the 12th of December this are in accordance with Dublin Bye Law 3 (b) see below:
1. The members shall elect onto the Executive Committee by nomination and motion at Annual Convention or Ordinary Meeting a person [Explanatory note: Rule 55 applies i.e. non-members may be elected and must register with the Association within 7 days] to fill a vacancy.
a. Where there is no contest for any position, the candidate shall be deemed to be elected unless a motion of dissent is proposed and a vote taken.
b. Where there is no candidate, nominations for the position shall be requested from Clubs and put to the next County Committee meeting
Note: before nominating a person for any post on the Executive Committee please check with the individual to confirm they are willing to allow their names to be submitted.