Fundamentals Coaching Course

  • Jan 14,2011

A reminder that the Fundamentals Coaching Course aimed at new club mentors and any other club mentors who hasn’t completed the course previously will take place on Saturday the 29th of January.

Two separate venues have been organised to cater for both Northside and Southside clubs with the course taking place from 10am to 4pm.

The courses are limited to 30 places per venue and in order to confirm your clubs mentors place please fill in the relevant form (download from the link below) and email to Camillus ASAP

Note: places will not be confirmed without receipt of the course fee which is €30.00 and participants must be over 16 years of age.

For further info please contact Camillus on 086-6007089 or email



Fundamentals Northside Application Form

Fundamentals Southside Application Form