Na Fianna Welcome Home Coming Party, for All Ireland Champions

  • Oct 11,2010



Click here to view a video from the Home Coming Party.

Click on the logo link on this website to view music slideshow of photos from the evening.


Dublin’s All Ireland Champions greeted in spectacular fashion.

Last Friday evening, while the eyes of the sporting media were focussed on events in the Aviva Stadium, the seeds of a major change in Irish sport were in evidence in Glasnevin where an exuberant crowd of over 3,000 came out to welcome home the victorious Dublin ladies Football team with the Brendan Martin Cup.
The crowd gathered early in the evening in the grounds of Na Fianna in Mobhi Road while the team assembled in the famous Dublin haunt of the Sunny Bank Hotel. The team were greeted in a pre parade reception by a group of the famous Dublin Seventies team including Jimmy Keveney, Paddy Cullen and Tony Hanahoe along with a host of local dignitaries, including ex Taoiseach Bertie Ahern. Guest of honour Brendan Martin after whom the cup is named, also attended.

The Jackies were given a taste of things to come as a group of up to two hundred supporters had gathered outside to cheer them as they boarded the open top bus. The paraded was led by the Dublin Fire Brigade Pipe band to Mobhi Road where a spectacular sight of the adoring crowd awaited the team. The team were stunned at the sight of a crowd in excess of 3,000 out to greet them home.

“We’re delighted to afford the girls this welcome tonight, we couldn’t be prouder of them, especially our own four players on the panel,  Mary Nevin, Berni Finlay , Sorcha Turnbull and Orlagh Egan” said Na Fianna Club PRO,  Cormac Ó Donnchú “ To have Brendan Martin here along with Marty Morrissey of RTE are added bonuses,  but  most important is the presence of so many of our juvenile female members – we hope this night will help them to be inspired by the success and example of this extraordinary team.  The stunning crowd tonight just demonstrates the growing popularity of Ladies Football.  The future for Ladies Football in Dublin and Na Fianna looks evener brighter now.”

After witnessing the sights of Friday evening it’s hard to argue.

For further Information :

Cormac Ó Donnchu , PRO Na Fianna