Hall of Fame Award Info

  • Sep 20,2010

Ladies Gaelic Football Association Hall of Fame Award:

Calling on all Dublin clubs do you have a club member who is worthy of such an Award?

The ideal nominee will have given extraordinary service to the Association at Club, County, Provincial or Central Council level. 

When considering nominations please note the following :
Nominees must have a minimum of fifteen years continuous service to the Association.
Nominees may be living or deceased.
Nominations must be put forward by a Ladies Football club or County Committee.

Those not eligible for nomination are:
Members of the Hall of Fame Committee.
Members of the management Committee of Cumann Peil Gael na mBan
Salaried Officials of the Association.
Past Recipients.


All decisions regarding the recipient of the Hall of Fame Award shall be the sole privilege of the Hall of Fame Committee

Previous Recipients of the Hall of Fame Award have been: 

Mary Wheatley (Laois)
Tom Dowd (Cavan)
Michael Fitzgerald (Kerry)
Sally Duggan (Tipperary)

Bill Daly (Dublin)
Mary Quinn Fox (Leitrim)
Tom Madigan (Limerick)

Closing dates for applications is this coming Friday the 24th of September.

Hall of Fame Application Form