Friday Notes - 11th June 2010

  • Jun 12,2010
For any matter pertaining to fixtures, txts or calls should be made to the Fixtures Co-ordinator only.
    • The contact list is circulated, these should be downloaded and distributed to team mentors and other relevant parties in Clubs.
    • The Referee Co-Ordinator will take calls only in connection with Referee Matters - after the call has been logged with the relevant Fixture Co-ordinator
    • Home teams are responsible for contacting the visitors and Referee in advance

  • Angie McNally has taken on the role of Senior "B" caretaker manager. She is supported by Peter Clark, Colm Kiernan and Ciaran Wyrnne.

  • Reminder: The U14s are playing Galway in the ALL IRELAND FINAL tomorrow, Saturday in St Brigids GAA, Kiltoom [near Athlone]. Details on the website. ALL SUPPORT WELCOME for this brilliant squad of players.

  • Reminder: The mandatory €150 [6 tickets for the Ladies All Ireland Final] is now due from all Clubs. Send cheques to the County Secretary please.

  • Reminder: Places still available on both Grab Your Whistle courses.

  • Reminder: Any player going to the USA or Canada for the Summer [or weekends to Europe] and who wish to transfer temporarily to a Club abroad must fill out a SANCTION FORM. These must be countersigned by the players Club Secretary, sent to the Co Secretary - for County Approval, and sent on to CPG na mBan Offices for Central Council approval. If players do not follow these simple steps, and arrange their transfers in advance, they will not be allowed play abroad. The forms were circulated in May and can be downloaded from the CPG na mBan website;

CPG na mBan Offices have sent Information Packs  to all Clubs. These contain:

    • Information cards on the Injury Fund - one for each player
    • A copy of PEIL magazine
    • the Cumann Peil Gael na mBan "Hall of Fame" nomination form
    • about "TEAMER" - a web based txting service.
    • Playing Rules booklet
    • other posters and leaflets

  • The deadline for the next edition of Peil is 30th June. Clubs are encouraged to submit articles. Can each Club submit a short [say 100/120 word] article to me and I will compile a "Dublin Round Up". It would be great to have a snippet from each of the 58 Clubs. The snippets can be about any [or all if you can fit it in] aspects of Ladies Football. The greater the variety the better.

......... and finally; best wishes to allour players who are sitting the exams at this time!