Weekly Notes. Sunday 11th April 2010

  • Apr 14,2010
The Dublin U14 & U16 sides recorded good wins this weekend in Wicklow and Laois respectively. However the Senior outing to Laois had a different outcome when an injury time goal by the Laois Senior side not only put our chances of a semi-final spot in the bin, but sent us into relegation.

    • Correspondence, transfers, motions, etc, etc, for the April County Board meeting are due with me by first post next Tuesday - 13th April
  • Faoi Naoi - Under 9 Affiliations are also due on 13th April.
    • Registrations for the 2010/2011 year must be receipted by Central Council on 31st May. Clubs should begin processing these now.

The Dublin EVERBUILD Féile takes place next weekend. Plenty of news elsewhere on the website - and circulated.

NOTE: The date of the NEXT COUNTY BOARD MEETING has had to be changed due to circumstances outside of our control. The meeting will now take place on TUESDAY 27th APRIL 2010 at 7.30pm in Parnell Park

Referee Seminar: Over 70 Referees will meet in Parnell Park next Tuesday, 13th April at 7pm.