Dublins U14 march into Leinster Semi-Final

  • Apr 14,2010
Dublin 9 - 7 Laois 1 - 5
The U14 Jackies had a great day out yesterday in Timahoe playing 
fabulous football against a good Laois side. Super goalkeeping and 
great defending mixed with a hardworking midfield and spot on 
shooting from the forwards left us with a handsome victory. 
Dublin led from the start and were never in doubt of a win, 
the girls passed the ball to perfection and put away fabulous scores. 
A great team performance.Thanks to all the supporters on the line who 
cheered the girls on.
Girls you are doing yourselves, your clubs, your parents and your 
County proud keep up the good work. 
The girls next game will be the Leinster Semi Final details to be released