Weekly Notes - Sunday 28th March

  • Mar 29,2010
  • Adult Programme
  • On next Weds - 31st March - the Dublin management will permit County Players compete in Cup games.
  • A list of Contact Names and details along with a programme of dates is circulated

  • Reminder Everbuild Féile entries are due by Thursday next, 1st April.

  • Congress notes
    • Annual Congress took place this weekend. Details of changed rules will be circulated when to hand.
    • Dublin proposed two motions:
      • Rule 17 - discipline, this was defeated
      • Rule 365 - to increase the Intercounty medal allocation from 21 to 30 - carried

  • Referee Course
    • All Referees in Dublin Ladies Football must attend a seminar in Parnell Park on Tuesday 13th April. Please ensure that Referees affiliated to your Clubs are informed. More details later.

  • Central Council has arranged Insurance cover for the Gaelic 4 Mothers Programme. Clubs are encouraged to take up this social outlet for non-playing ladies. The G4M Booklet is circulated

  • Any matters for consideration at the April Co Board meeting should be with the County Secretary on or before April 12th next.

  • The Under 10s season will commence on Saturday 10th April next. These are divided into 2 team and 1 team groups to reflect the size of Clubs panels. The Regulations were agreed at the March Co Board meeting.

  • FAOI NAOI - the U9 Programme - will start in mid-May and application forms are already circulated. Please send these back on/before 12th April so that the Sub Committee can prepare a programme for ratification at the April Co Board meeting.

  • Hard luck to the Dublin Seniors who missed out on a definite place in the Bord Gais League semi-finals by a single point! A report is attached. Pictures may be obtained from GAApics.com and viewed through the website link.

  • The Dublin Minors begin their Leinster campaign next weekend away to Westmeath. Good Luck Girls.

  • Reminder - The Annual Golf Outing is coming up soon. Now is the time to start planning your team, sponsorships, etc. More details soon.