Courses Arranged

  • Mar 02,2010
Dublin are currently upskilling Club Coaches, Referees and Officers. Some Courses will be held over the next 6 weeks:

  • FUNdamentals Coaching on 13th March - gain a cert in basic coaching skills. Coaches will look at issues such as planning and implementing training programmes as well as practical coaching and an introduction to the Player Pathway. Fee to cover tutor costs, etc €30.
  • Level 1 "Raising the Bar" [2 day course] on 20th March and 24th April. This two day certified course includes fieldwork and is a useful tool in implementing a training programme for the more advanced team.Fee to cover tutor costs & materials, €70.
  • Referee Refresher on 13th April. All existing Referees will be invited to participate.
  • Club Officers on Monday 22nd March. This course looks at the back office side of things, Form filling, Administration and the nuts and bolts of the paperwork.

If you wish to attend the courses you should contact Stephen Harbron, Dublin Development Officer at