Weekly notes 14th December

  • Dec 14,2015

Dublin LGFA Weekly notes:


Dub Stars 2015:

Our annual Dub Stars event will take place on January 3rd in DCU – St Clare’s. Our Junior Dub Stars match will get underway at 11.30am followed by the Dub Stars of 2015 v Dublin at 1.00pm. There will be no admission fee into the event but we are asking patrons to support our bucket collection in aid of Breast Cancer Ireland.


The Junior Dub Star and Dub Star teams of 2015 will be announced on December 21st.


Dates for your diaries:

The first County Board meeting of 2016 will take place on January 19th at 7.30pm in Parnell Park. We are seeking nominations from clubs for the following Executive Committee positions: Treasurer, PRO, Development Officer and Culture and Language Officer. Nominations must be with the County Secretary Mary O’Connor on or before January 11th. Affiliation / team entry forms must be returned by the 15th of January, transfer applications for those seeking to move club within Dublin and coming into Dublin must also be returned by January 15th. While player regrading applications must be submitted on or before January 31st – all the necessary forms have been issued to all club secretaries.


For all the latest news and information on Dublin LGFA please log onto our website www.dublinladiesgaelic.ie or follow Dublin LGFA on social media