Weekly Notes 13th April

  • Apr 13,2015

Dublin Ladies Gaelic Football Association


Inter County Update:

County results from the week ending 12th April, - NFL Dublin 5-14 Cork 2-07, Minor LFC Dublin 0-10 Offaly 0-07. Dublin will now play Galway in the TESCO Home Grown NFL semi-final on Sunday April 26th while the Minor Leinster Final Dublin v Kildare will take place on May 4th, venue and times for both games to be confirmed.


April County Board Meeting:

A meeting of the Dublin LGFA will take place on Tuesday April 21st at 7.30pm in Parnell Park all clubs are required to have a representative in attendance at the meeting. Items for inclusion on the agenda should be with County Secretary Mary O’Connor on or before April 13/14th.


Grab Your Whistle Go Games Referees Course:

A GYW Go Games Referees Course will take place this Saturday April 18th in Le Cheile, Donnycarney Community Centre from 2.30 -6pm. Note course participants must be 15 years or over bookings forms can be downloaded from our website www.dublinladiesgaelic.ie


Due to the high demand please note- places can only be confirmed on receipt of the course fee and booking form an email will be issued confirming booking. Booking form and the €10 course fee (Cheques or postal orders should be made payable to Dublin Ladies Gaelic Football Association) must be returned to:  Patricia Monahan, Dublin LGFA County Administrator, Le Chéile, Donnycarney Community Centre, Dublin 5

