Club Person of the Year Nominations Open

  • Dec 15,2014

LGFA Tesco Homegrown Club Person of the Year 2014


The TESCO Homegrown Club Person of the Year Awards return in 2015.


Nominations are now being accepted for this prestigious award up until the January 30th closing date.


Volunteers are amongst the most important people involved in the sport, their role is central to the success of Ladies Gaelic Football and it is fair to say that there simply would not be any game without them.


Every club has that person that is involved as a coach and perhaps grounds person or that makes the tea and sandwiches after matches or that is a brilliant fundraiser along with being a club officer.


If there is a person like this within your club then fill out the application form (see below) and return it to the Ladies Gaelic Football Association, Croke Park or email by Friday 30th January to have them considered for the honour.


A winner of the TESCO Homegrown Club Person of the Year is selected from each of the four provinces with an overall winner selected and announced at a presentation in Croke Park.


It truly is a great honour for the winners but it is even more of a boost for the club that they are part of.