Dublin LGFA Weekly notes 20.01.2014

  • Jan 20,2014

Dublin LGFA Weekly Notes:


February County Board meeting:

There will be two meetings of the Dublin County Board in February, on the 11th February (Player regrading) and on the 18th February, (Juvenile grading) both meetings will take place in Parnell Park commencing at 7.30pm.



Club and Team affiliation forms have been issued to all clubs the deadline for submissions is this Friday the 24th of January. Any NEW club wishing to affiliate to the Dublin LGFA in 2014 and who are in search of information on starting ladies football within their club please contact our office on 0860285539 or email info@dublinladiesgaelic.ie


Player Regrading deadline:

The deadline for receipt of player regrading forms is 31st January. Regrading applies to clubs that have or will have two or more adult teams in 2014 competitions. Player regrading applies to adults who are tied to the club's first adult team but wish to be available to the lower team in the coming year. Forms have been issued to all clubs and should be returned to the office by email or post on or before the deadline.



Dublin LGFA gained a new fan on Thursday last when baby Tadhg was born to proud parents Paul McLoughlin (Vice Chairperson of DLGFA) and Joanne McCabe, congratulations to you both.


For all the latest news and information remember to follow us on Twitter @dublinladiesg or on Facebook