Weekly Notes 13th Jan

  • Jan 13,2014

Dublin LGFA Weekly notes


January County Board meeting:

A meeting of the Dublin LGFA will take place on Tuesday 14th of January at 7.30pm in Parnell Park. Clubs are requested to have a delegate in attendance as a number of important issues are down for discussion, the agenda will be forwarded to all clubs in advance of the meeting.


2014 Affiliation Forms:

All club secretaries should now be in receipt of the 2014 affiliation forms. A separate copy of the Affiliation (team entry) form needs to be filled out for each year group for small-sided games (U8 to U12) and for each team from U13 to adult. Advisory notes are located on the right-hand side of the form. Please also complete and return the Affiliation summary form for your club. Deadline for return of forms is January 24th 2014.


Dublin Senior Trial:

Dublin manager Gregory McGonigle has invited all players who were nominated by their clubs for Senior Trial to attend a session in Naomh Mearnog on Tuesday 14th of January at 8.30pm. Can clubs / mentors please notify and insure all players nominated are aware of this trial information. Any queries please contact Greg on 0870657483



The Fundamentals coaching course on February 8th is now fully booked it is hoped to organise another course for a date in March details will be posted on our website.


For all the latest news and information on Dublin LGFA  follow us on Twitter @dublinladiesg or Facebook