Scor Atha Cliath
- Nov 27,2013
Thursday, 28th November, is the Scór na nÃg Dublin county final where
clubs from across the county will compete to find out who will go
forward to represent Dublin against the other 31 counties of Ireland.
The winners will represent the county in the same way that Bernard Brogan, Stephen Cluxton, Sinéad Goldrick, etc... all do.
This always proves to be a great nights entertainment.
Beidh fáilte mór roimh chách go dtà C.L.G. Chraobh Chiaráin (adjacent to Parnell Park) at 7.30 on Thursday 28th November.
Coiste Scór Ãtha Cliath wishes all participants the best of luck in
their endeavours.
Tá súil againn go mbainfidh sibh taitneamh as an gcomórtas agus táimid ag súil le buaileadh libh ar an nDéardaoin. Go n-éirà go geal libh.