Report on Feasibility Study of Playing Alternative Weekends

  • Oct 16,2013

Dublin Ladies Football and Dublin Camogie

Preliminary Report - feasibility study of alternative playing weekends


The Dublin Ladies County Committee & Dublin Camogie County committee are recommending the following proposal to both associations affiliated clubs for their consideration:


Proposal for the 2014 Playing Season:

Dublin Ladies Football will establish U8 non-competitive football

U8 - Alternative weekends

U9- Alternative weekends

U10 - Alternative weekends

U11 - 2 in 3 playing weekends with a cup competition to be established for football only clubs

U12 - To remain same as current playing structure


Additional recommendations:

          A review committee will be formed with representatives from both associations who will meet in July of 2014 with the purpose of appraising the development of the above proposal and if required to make further recommendations to enhance the format of the proposal for the second half of the 2014 playing season.


·         The committee are recommending that clubs who currently don't participate in either Ladies football or Camogie or vice versa be actively encouraged to promote or introduce the relevant non- playing sport within their respective clubs especially at the U8, U9, U10 and U11 age levels


·         The committee are recommending that a Joint Ladies football and Camogie blitz be organised in the second half of the season whereby children will be given the opportunity to play both sports at the one event (half and half). Again this joint blitz will be organised for girls from U8, U9, U10 and U11 age groups.


·         The committee are proposing that a review will take place following the 2014 playing season (review of the new format) with the intention of recommending the proposal of option A or either option A and B to their club delegates at the respective associations 2014 AGM's. 

Option A:  Year 2015

U8 - Alternative weekends

U9- Alternative weekends

U10 - Alternative weekends

U11 - 2 in 3 playing weekends

U12 - 2 in 3 playing weekends with a cup competition to be established for football only clubs

Option B: Year 2015 or 2016, to be reviewed end of 2014 season

U8 - Alternative weekends

U9- Alternative weekends

U10 - Alternative weekends

U11 - 2 in 3 playing weekends

U12 - 2 in 3 playing weekends

U13 - 2 in 3 playing weekends with a cup competition to be established for football only clubs


Time Table



Tuesday 15th of October 2013

Football / Camogie report issued at the Dublin Ladies County Board.

Two copies per club.

No discussion on the night.

Tuesday 22nd October 2013

Dublin Ladies Football Committee special meeting for discussion of the Ladies Football / Camogie Preliminary report.(Venue TBC)

Tuesday 29th October 2013

Dublin Camogie Committee special meeting for discussion of the Ladies Football / Camogie Preliminary report.

Venue (TBC)

Monday 4th November 2013

Both Associations will issue the FINAL proposal which is to go before both associations AGM's

Tuesday 12th November 2013

Dublin Ladies Football County Board meeting

Saturday 23rd November 2013

Dublin Ladies Football AGM*

Date TBC

Dublin Camogie AGM *

* No counter proposal will be accepted from the floor at the AGM.