Fingallians v Na Fianna match report

  • Sep 09,2013

TESCO Home Grown Dublin Senior County Final

Fingallians 2-06 Na Fianna 2-06


By Sinead Farrelly


Fingallians come back to fight another day..


A close fight between the midfields and half forwards kept the ball moving between teams for the opening minutes of the final until Linda Casey for Na Fianna made the breakthrough and got the ball up to her full forwards where a hop ball was given and Na Fianna held onto
possession and Claire Murtagh took a close shot for a goal but it whistled wide past the posts.

Fingallians got the ball back and moved it up the pitch and Niamh Hurley took a shot but it dropped short and was saved by the keeper. The Na Fianna half forwards brought the ball through again and fed it to Laura Walsh who got it to Aoife Nolan who scored the opening goal of the match.

Fingallians got the ball back again and Niamh Rickard took her chance and got a point for her side.

Na Fianna regained the possession and tried for another goal but a great save from the Fingallians keeper kept it out.

Fingallians got it back and were awarded a free which was taken by Amy McGuinness but it went wide.

Casey for Na Fianna helped once more to bring the ball back but Fingallians were awarded a free out for possession but when it went up towards the goal Niamh Hurley from Fingallians fell over on an injury that looked sore but she played on while looking gingerly on her ankle.

Na Fianna wasted no time when play restarted and got the ball back up towards the Fingallians goal but they were caught for travelling and the ball went back to Fingallians and Sinead Finnegan and McGuinness fed the ball back up the pitch but as Hurley was not able to run to catch the kick she was removed and replaced by Victoria Browne in the first substitution of the game.

Fingallians were awarded another free which was taken by McGuinness but it also went wide, however they held onto the ball and Davey maximised on this and got a point.

Na Fianna got the ball back and brought it to the Fingallians goal but Fingallians' Fiona Hudson got punched by Na Fianna's Alma O'Donnell in what looked to be an accidental incident. She received a yellow and was sin binned for 10 minutes playing time.

There was a close 2 minutes of play until Na Fianna brought the ball back and Orlagh Egan got her first point. Hudson got another hit in the face from Fiona Maye and she was also sent to the sin bin.

As Fingallians got the possession again Ann Marie McDonagh made a great run and got it to Rebecca Davey who looked to get a point but they were given a free in instead; Lyndsey Davey scored the free and there was only one point in the difference.

The Na Fianna backs played hard even with their two players off the pitch and Bronagh O'Donnell managed to get the ball through to Egan before they got a free in awarded to them and Egan scored a point.

The Fingallians forwards and midfields put up a very strong attack trying to maximise while they were two players up with Lyndsey Davey going for two quick successive scores, however both were kept out as the Na Fianna backs had a great work rate as they battled against a very strong Fingallians forward line. Na Fianna managed to regain the possession and Egan and Laura Walsh combined and Walsh scored a fantastic point.

At half time the score stood at 1-3 to 3 points in favour of Na Fianna.

As play got underway for the second half Fingallians and Davey made a run towards the goal and got a point but the referee had already blown for a free in so the point wasn't given but she took the free and scored.

As Fingallians once more came in to the goal Aoife O'Reilly tried for a point but again the Na Fianna backs made a great block and were then given a free which gave them back the possession. They maximised on this by bringing the ball right up the pitch and getting it into the hands of Egan who took a point. The Na Fianna forwards and Fingallians backs both had a very skilful few minutes as both teams tried to get the ball and Na Fianna pushed for a score but eventually Bronagh O'Donnell made the breakthrough by scoring a point. Na Fianna kept the pressure on by following this right up with a goal scored by Fiona Tuite.

Fingallians got the ball back from the kick out and brought it up the pitch and McGuinness scored a point for her side. Shortly after this, Fingallians made a substitution by bringing on Siobhán Melvin in the place of Rachel Brogan.

Fingallians got their first goal from a shot off Hudson which looked like it was going to be saved by the keeper but it grazed her fingertips and fell into the back of the net.

There was another substitution made by Na Fianna bringing on Muireann O'Gorman for Ciara McDermot.

Fin got the ball back again and 21 passed to 23 but the Na Fianna backs once more got the ball away safely to the other end as they briefly lost the ball they were given a free in which gave the possession back to them and 3 14 and 9 helped to bring the ball though before they were given another free in which was taken by 15 and scored and Na Fianna were four points in the lead again.

Na Fianna made another substitution bringing on Sinéad O'Donnell for Fiona Tuite.

The ball went back to Fingallians and they were going towards the goal but a tackle from Na Fianna's Walsh meant that Na Fianna received their third sin binning of the game.

McGuinness took another free but once more it went wide. Fingallians held onto the ball and Finnegan made the run and got it back to McGuinness who kept going and got a crucial goal for Fingallians bringing the difference in scores to just one point just before three minutes of stoppage time were added.

Na Fianna made a final substitution bringing on Lorraine O'Sullivan for Aoife Nolan.

Fingallians got a free in and Lyndsey Davey took a shot but it went wide again; however they held the ball and kept pushing and Hudson got a free to bring the scores level.

At full time the scores were tied at 2-06 each and a replay will be held on Wednesday the 11th of September.