Resurgent Cork see off Dublin's Challenge

  • Aug 27,2013

TG4 Senior Championship All Ireland Quarter Final

Dublin v Cork

By Sinead Farrelly


A quick start saw Dublin taking possession but it was lost to Cork and Annie Walsh maximised by carrying the ball to the other end and scoring the opening point.

However just moments later Dublin got the ball back and Noelle Healy scored a point for Dublin.

Just straight after this Cork retook the lead with a point from Nollaig Cleary.

A very tight opening few minutes saw Dublin getting another point which was scored by Sinead Aherne as they drew level again.

As Dublin drew ahead with a point from Niamh McEvoy they were given two more frees which kept possession with the Jackies as the rain came down just five minutes in.

Dublin's Healy took a shot for a point but it dropped short and was punched out by Cork's Martina O'Brien in goal but Dublin's Lyndsay Davey got the ball back and scored the opening goal of the game to push Dublin further ahead.

This was quickly followed up by a point from Aherne as they kept pressure building on the Rebelettes.

Cork regained possession and brought the ball the length of the pitch but Dublin got it back and they put some pressure on Cork with Davey, Healy and Kim Flood all having close wides.

Cork got the ball back for a few moments but Dublin's half backs quickly fed the ball back up and when Captain Sinead Goldrick got it into her hands she converted it into another point.

Cork had a free given to them and Geraldine O'Flynn got the ball through but they then got another free which was taken by Valerie Mulcahy and she turned it into Cork's third point.

Cork held onto possession and after a tackle on Mulcahy they had a free awarded to them which she took and scored another point from.

Dublin got the ball back for a brief period but a pass was intercepted by a Cork back and the ball went to Cork again before they were given a free which dropped slightly short and a great catch from Dublin's Cliodhna O'Connor kept it out.

A great block from Cork's Ann Marie Walsh kept Noelle Healy from getting the ball closer to the goal and gave possession back to Cork. As the ball worked its way up the pitch Cork held onto it and Doireann O'Sullivan got her first point of the game.

A free gave Dublin back the ball and McEvoy fed it through to Lyndsay Peat but once more Cork got it back however Sinead Finnegan got the ball back for Dublin and kicked it through to Aherne who won a free which she took and scored a point from.

The Dublin midfield and half forward line worked hard to regain the ball but another wide ball came.

Healy once more caught the ball from a kick out but the ball fell back into Cork's hands and they took full advantage and O'Flynn scored another point.

Some fantastic play from Noelle Healy kept the ball coming through to the forwards with some very safe hands and she soon converted this into another point for Dublin.

A free was given to Dublin and Aherne added another point to the scoreboard.

With just seconds left on the clock Cork's Ciara O'Sullivan took a shot and scored a point.

At half time the score stood at 1-08 to 0-07 in favour of Cork.

During the break Cork made two substitutions bringing on Rhona Ní Bhuachalla and Orlagh Farmer for Orla Finn and Annie Walsh.

In a quick start to the second half Cork started strong with a point straight away from O'Sullivan and they held onto possession. They then gave away a free which brought the ball back to Dublin.

Dublin got the ball up to the other end before getting another free from which Aherne took another point.

Cork won the kick out and brought the ball back before O'Sullivan capitalised and scored a point bringing the gap in scores back to one point.

Dublin regained possession as their midfield and half forwards worked hard to keep the ball, this then worked out when Niamh McEvoy scored a point. Dublin held onto the ball and they pushed further ahead with a goal from Lyndsay Peat five minutes into the half.

Sinéad Aherne quickly followed this up with another point from a free for Dublin.

Healy got the ball back for Dublin and fed it through to Davey who tried for another goal but it was saved; however Dublin kept the ball and Aherne added another point.

Cork were then given a free which was taken and scored by Mulcahy. They kept a hold on the ball and Cleary scored a point just moments later. They kept their momentum going and got another point from Juliet Murphy and brought the gap to six points.

Cork won another kick out and the ball got up to Rhona Ní Bhuachalla who scored Cork's opening goal to a vociferous shout from the Cork contingent of the crowd.

Dublin made their first substitution bringing off  Kim Flood and on Natalia Hyland, as they did this Cork's Mulcahy got two quick points and there was only one point in it. Cork's Murphy got the ball back to Cleary who scored another point and the two teams were level.

Dublin got the ball back into their half but a free was given to Cork as they got the possession back and drove the ball up the field before Mulcahy scored another point to bring her side ahead.

Dublin made another substitution replacing Denise Masterson with Orlagh Egan.

With less than ten minutes to go Cork were totally dominating the second half and were in the lead.

There was another change in the Dublin team with Elaine Kelly coming on for Lyndsay Peat.

With five minutes to go Cork were awarded a free which was taken and scored by Geraldine O'Flynn to bring the lead to two points.

Another free given to Cork kept the ball with them and they brought it up to the goal where Mulcahy passed it off and a tackle was made and Cork were given another free right in front of the goal which Mulcahy scored a point from with less than a minute to go. Cork wasted no time though and it was followed right up by another point from Ciara O'Sullivan.

The crowd chanted down the final seconds before the whistle was blown and Cork won with a final score of 1-19 to 2-12