Dublin Club Officer Programme

  • Mar 19,2013

Dublin Club Officer Programme 2013

Date: Tuesday March 26th 2013

Time: 7:30pm

Venue: Queen of Angels Primary School


The club is the keystone of our Association and its existence is essential to the operation of the Association.  Being part of the club set up, be it as a player, an officer, a parent or mentor, comes with roles and responsibilities. 


The Club Officer Programme serves to assist Club Officers with understanding the duties associated to their role and provide some best practice guidelines on how to fulfil these duties in an effective and efficient manner.  


The 2013 Club Officer Programme has been revised and updated to ensure the Programme is interactive for all participants.  This is an excellent Programme and has proven to be extremely beneficial to both new and existing officers. 


The Club Officer Programme is designed to provide guidance and support to Club Officers in a workshop format and in an information sharing environment.  By attending the workshop, club officers will learn of best practice guidelines to assist them fulfil their role in an efficient and effective manner.


Format for the Programme:


·         Welcome by County Chairpersons

·         Agenda for the Evening - National Facilitator

·         Discussion Forum

·         Individual Officer Programmes

·         Chairperson and Vice Chairperson

·         Secretary and Assistant Secretary

·         PRO

·         Treasurer/Registrar

·         Children's Officer

·         My Club

·         LGFA Frequently Asked Questions

·         Questions and Answers


Why should clubs attend?

§  Clarity on Officer roles and responsibilities

§  Information on club administration

§  Information to enhance your club and club structures

§  Opportunity to share and gain ideas

§  Opportunity to ask questions

§  Volunteer recruitment information


We encourage all Dublin club officers to attend and participate in the Club Officer Programme



Directions to venue:

Queen of Angels Primary School is situated between Dundrum and Sandyford in South County Dublin. We are located on Blackthorn Drive, at the entrance to the Sandyford/Stillorgan Industrial Estates and close to the Luas, the M50 and bus routes 44,114 and 116


Please fill in the reply form, listing the names of your club officers who will be attending the evening, please return to info@dublinladiesgaelic.ie by Friday the 22nd of March