Club Information

  • Mar 15,2013

March County Board meeting:

Next County board meeting is 19th of March 7.30pm in Parnell Park.

Please ensure that your club is represented at this important meeting. The Agenda for the March meeting will be issued to clubs shortly, it will be a packed agenda, including adult team grading's which are down for ratification.


Under 21 nominations:

The entry period for the U21 Championship (Aisling McGing) has been extended until 5pm Friday 15th March. Please ensure that any nomination(s) from your club are submitted to meet this extended deadline. Information is available on the web( 


Club Officers Training:

Club Officers training evening is to be provided by Croke Park is 26th March. This is valuable training for your club's Ladies Football officers and should be attended by, Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Assistant Secretary, PROs, Treasurer/Registrar (or both,  Children's Officer or a substitute if the Officer is unable to attend on the night. Further details to follow on venue, start time 7.30pm, to be confirmed. Please encourage attendance. Information on the evening is below


Feile 2013

Feile this year will be on 13th and 14th of April.

Entry form and further details to emailed to clubs, Entry will close on the 26th of March and panels will be needed by the 3rd of April. This year only one Dublin team has been invited to travel to National Féile.


All-Ireland Ticket Levy

All clubs that owe money for the All-Ireland Ticket levy please ensure that it is paid by 31st March