Weekly Notes and Info update

  • Jan 28,2013


There will be two County Board Meetings in February. The first will take place on Tuesday February 12th at 7.30pm in Parnell Park. All correspondence must be with County Secretary Mary O'Connor by 5pm on Tuesday February 5th. The second County Board meeting will take place on Tuesday 19th February at 7.30pm in Parnell Park. All correspondence must be with County Secretary Mary O'Connor by 5pm on Friday 15th February. All correspondence should be sent  to Mary O'Connor  Dublin Ladies Gaelic Football Association, Le Cheile Community Centre, Donnycarney Dublin 5 or emailed  to info@dublinladiesgaelic.ie


Two referees' refresher courses have been organised for existing Referees for the upcoming 2013 season. The first one will take place on Saturday 9th of February at 11am in St Perigrines Gaa Club for all north side referees and Saturday March 2nd at 11am in Thomas Davis GAA club for all Southside referees. Both theory and fitness will be done on same day so please ensure to have relevant gear with you.

Any Referee wishing to attend must register by email @ dubladiesrefs@gmail.com or by txt at 086-2503844. Only Referees who complete the course will be considered for appointments in 2013. Bookings will be accepted on the above contact details ONLY


Our senior team will get their National League campaign under way next Sunday against old rivals Meath. The game will be played in Fingallians GAA club with at 2pm throw in. This will be the team's first game under Interim manager Paul Gilheaney and we would strongly encourage people to come and support the Girls in Blue

Under 14 trials will commence this Weekend further details will be sent to clubs shortly and posted on our website dublinladiesgaelic.ie