VENUE UPDATE New Level 1 Coaching Course

  • Oct 08,2012
New Level 1 Coaching Course

Dublin Ladies Gaelic Association are hosting a Level 1 Coaching Course.

The Level 1 Course is hosted over 2 days and attendance at both days is essential to be certified as a Level 1 Coach.

Day 1 will be on Sat 12th Jan

Day 2 will be on Sat 2nd March
Course duration; 22 hours (12 hours course work, 10 hours practical coaching in own club) over 2 days separated by 3-6 weeks
Booking and enquiries to

Level 1 is the next step up on the Coaching ladder from FUNdamentals. A Coach must have FUNdamentals completed before progressing to Level 1.
This course is developed to challenge existing Coaches to look more in depth at coaching principles and practices. Coaches will apply information to solve coaching scenarios in practical situations.
All participants must be over 18 years, have completed the FUNdamentals course and have at least 1 years coaching experience.

Fee is E70 per person.

Course is limited to 20 participants


Coaches have to complete a logbook between Day 1 & Day 2.

All successful participants on our Coaching Courses receive a qualifications that is recognised by Coaching Ireland, and, a Coaching Ireland Award is a high quality accreditation recognised throughout Europe. The invol
vement of Coach