Motions passed atCongress 2012
- Mar 13,2012
Motions passed at Congress 2012
(note changhes come into affect one month from Congress - 9th April 2012)
Aims and Objectives
Add to Aims and Objectives of Association:
âThe Association shall promote ladies Gaelic football as a tool for leading an active and healthy lifestyle.' Passed 88:0
Add to Definitions âInternational units' - means International Boards Passed 80:7
New Rule
Players seeking permits to the USA and Canada, must have an appropriate insurance policy or be included in a club insurance scheme cover injuries sustained while playing Ladies Gaelic Football and which indemnifies the Ladies Gaelic Football Association against all claims arising from injury sustained while playing abroad and must produce a copy of this policy when applying for the permit.
Passed 60:30
Rule 28
All International Units shall pay an affiliation fee to Central Council and shall provide a list of registered clubs and players to Central Council by 10th June each year. Players who are resident in the USA or Canada and registered on that date shall be deemed to be Home based players. International affiliated units of the Association shall be entitled to two delegates to Central Council and Annual Congress.
Passed 74:11
Rule 29, (second paragraph)
The permit shall allow the players to play from the 31st March to 30th September and shall not be granted later than the 1st July in any year. These players may play with their Home Club or County in their respective Championships. Passed 79:11
New Rule (After Rule 29)
(a) The number of Permit Players permitted for any club in the North American County Board shall be as follows:
- A Club with 1 team - a maximum of ten
- A Club with a second team - a further eight
In the case of the Canadian Board Area the maximum number of Permit Players per Club shall be ten.
In the case of New York, the maximum number of Permit Players per team shall be three.
(b) Clubs may also avail of the services of Players who have a valid current J1 Visa, as well as a separate J1 permit Passed 63:27
Voting Procedures
Rule 39
Club or County Boards, Provincial or Central Councils shall have the power to appoint full time paid officials, who shall not have the right to vote except with their home club, provided they are not a paid official of that club. They shall be subject to the terms and conditions laid down by the relevant Committee or Council. Each Committee or Council shall be responsible for the payment of such officials.
The paid official shall not be eligible to coach, train, manage, select or have any other related involvement with inter-county teams, provincial teams or any club teams, other than his/her own club. Passed: 82:6
Rule 55
Membership will be open to all regardless off their age, ability, gender, race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, sexuality or social/economic status. Passed 90:1
Rule 55 Amend to read
Membership of the Association shall be granted by a Club. However officers of Central Council may register with the National Registrar and become full members by doing so. Passed 79:10
Rule 56 by replacing "shall" with "may" and insert after "persons", "who have reached 18 years upon payment of the appropriate membership fee".
Passed 86:3
Rule 57 to read
Youth membership may be granted by a Club only, to persons who have not reached the age of 18 years, upon payment of the membership fee and who subscribe to and further the aims of the Club and the Ladies Gaelic Football Association.
Passed 80:14
Rule 60 to read
Only full registered members shall be entitled to vote at meetings. Passed
Rule 62
Social Membership may be granted to persons, who have reached the age of eighteen years, subscribe to and undertake to further the aims and objectives of the Club and the Ladies Gaelic Football Association, but who do not seek full voting rights and rights to take part in the administrative affairs of the Club or the Ladies Gaelic Football Association. Passed 76:8
Rule 65
The Club Registrar shall submit to the County Registrar on the official electronic system or on the official registration form, three copies (if manual) of the club's list of registered members. Passed 83:4
Rule 68 Delete last sentence. Passed
Rule 67
The County Registrar shall forward
(a) Electronically or sign, one copy of the registration form together with the registration fee to the Registrar of Provincial Council
(b) Electronically or sign, one copy of the registration form, together with the registration fee, development fee and Injury Fund fee to Central Council
(c) Retain one copy for record purposes. Passed 83:5
Rule 74
Delete remainder of rule after "affiliated clubs" and add "unless exempted under Rule 55 (46)". Passed 68:5
Rule 100
A Club must have at least 11 playing members that are eligible to play in the age group or grade of football that the club intends fielding a team in and 3 registered adult officials, before it can affiliate to the Association. Only a properly registered Club can take part in County, Provincial or National Competitions or be entitled to representation on Committees or Councils. Passed
Rule 108
Replace "electronic form" with "electronic system". Passed 80:3
Club Executive Committee
Rule 121 (to be inserted under General Section)
A Special General Meeting may be summoned by the Executive/Management Committee, or at the signed request of ten full members. The only business to be transacted at such meeting shall be the special business for which it is summoned. At least five days notice shall be given of the time, place and special business of the meeting, unless in emergency situations where shorter notice shall suffice.
Passed 72:8
Schools and Colleges Boards
Rule 133
County Boards, Provincial or Central Councils for the Schools and Colleges may be formed where feasible. Properly constituted Boards or Councils are allowed two voting delegates to the relevant County Board, Provincial and Central Councils of the Ladies Gaelic Football Association and their rules shall be subject to the rules pertaining to the Association. Passed 80:5
New Rule after 133
The Academic Year shall be from 1st September to the 31st August of the following year. The AGM must be held by 31st October.
An AGM at County, Provincial and National level must be held on an annual basis. The notice and time of such meetings, together with nomination and motion criteria shall be conveyed to schools and colleges, at least 10 days in advance for County Convention and 4 weeks for Provincial and National meeting.
The relevant Ladies Football County Board, Provincial Council and Central Council must be notified of the date, time and venue and a report of the meeting must be forwarded to the relevant County Board or Council. Passed 81:4
County Convention
Rule 148
County Convention shall have the right to make Bye Laws as it deems necessary for the betterment of the Association within the county. They must be forwarded to Central Council by the 1st March and ratified at a Central Council Meeting after Congress. Such Bye Laws shall not become operative until approved by Central Council. The Bye Laws shall not conflict with the rules contained in the Official Guide. Passed 77:6
County Board
Rule 150
Add after (e) Assistant Treasurer Passed 82:8
Provincial Council
Rule 183
Insert as (f) Assistant Treasurer Passed 70:16
Rule 185
Provincial Councils shall present to Annual Congress a report of Provincial activities during the year, audited financial report and balance sheet and a list of all registered Clubs, Counties, Schools and Colleges within the Province. Passed 83:4
Rule 456(a)
Delete "jumping at an opponent" (already included in Red Card offences) Passed 75:6
Rule 456 (i)
(i) âPulling an opponent's jersey'. Move to Rule 455 at (q) Passed 84:4
Kickout New Rule
The player taking the kickout off the ground shall have the option of using a tee. Passed 79:11