Club Youth Referee Course - Feb 16th

  • Feb 06,2025


Current ‘Go Games’ referees who would like to take the next step in their refereeing journey by moving up to officiate U13 to U16 club juvenile fixtures. We would also welcome CCC2 referees to apply for this course. 

Dublin LGFA are holding an ‘Introduction to Refereeing at Youth Level’ course on Sunday the 16th of Feb from 10am to 4pm at St Anne's GAA club hall, Bohernabreena, Tallaght. 

Course participants will ... 

▪️Be introduced to the playing rules for games at U13-U16.

▪️Discuss the roles and responsibilities of referees.

▪️Develop the fundamental skills of refereeing through simulated tasks.

This course will be incorporating both theory and practical modules. Participants must complete the FULL course to get their certification.


Simply email Stephen for more information 

Stephen will provide you with all the course details and enrolment information. There is no fee being charged to participants for this course. Numbers are limited. Details have also been circulated to all club Secretaries.