Injury prevention & coaching resources

  • Jul 18,2024


The LGFA have been working closely with their Gaelic Games Colleagues to develop the Gaelic Games 'Be Ready to Play' resource which focuses on Youth, Adult and Advanced levels from an athletic development viewpoint. 

Meanwhile the Gaelic Games Sports Science group are currently piloting an Athletic Development Coach Education Workshop for F3 Coaches on the coaching pathway.

To view these excellent resources and guidelines click here BeReadytoPlay

TOBAR ( has other excellent resources on injury prevention such as the GAA 15 Warm Up etc. 

Click on these links below 

Injury Prevention

GAA 15 Warm Up

Any club seeking information on coaching should check out the LGFA YouTube channel

See below the links below to access the Coach Education playlists, webinars, videos, and other materials. 

LGFA You Tube Channel