Important MEMO Injury Fund

  • Nov 11,2021

MEMO - LGFA Injury fund issued 11th November 2021

A number of claims have been declined or claimants have not received the full reimbursement they were expecting in recent days due to the following:

  • The incorrect preliminary claim form being used giving players the belief that claims less than €200 do not need to be notified within 8 weeks
  • Private treatments have not been prior approved (MRI, Xray, Consultations, Surgeries)
  • Additional physiotherapy sessions were not prior approved


To prevent this occurring in the future, please ensure all players are made aware of the limits of the LGFA Injury Fund, which are available on the LGFA website (link below).


All claims must be notified within 8 weeks of the injury date, regardless if the injury is considered serious or not. This can be done in 2 ways:


  • Preliminary Claim Form – Should be submitted for any claim which is expected to exceed €200, treatment will not be completed within 8 weeks from the injury date or a claim where treatment is being pursued which requires prior approval.
  • Injury Claim Form – For treatments which are completed within 8 weeks from the date of injury, does not require prior approval and is less than €200


Under the LGFA Injury Fund the following medical expenses are covered under the LGFA Injury Fund without prior approval:

  • 90% of the first 6 physiotherapy sessions after injury
  • GP Visits
  • A&E visits


Any private treatment which a claimant is looking to have covered under the Fund – MRIs, private Xrays, consultations, surgery etc – require prior approval by submitting a referral letter from a medical doctor with a request from the claimant to have the treatment considered for prior approval.  For additional physiotherapy sessions to be considered, a report from the physiotherapist on business headed paper stating the number of sessions anticipated to be required prior to the players return to sport must be submitted. In order for prior approval to be considered the claim must be opened by submitting a preliminary claim form before the treatment occurs. I have attached a copy of the preliminary claim which should be used.


The maximum benefit available for medical expenses is €5,500.


The LGFA Injury Fund is completely funded through the fees paid by registered members at registration each year. There is no insurer involved and it is not an insurance policy/scheme and should not be referred to as such. The Fund is not in place to cover every expense incurred due to injury but to assist in reimbursing expenses not recoverable elsewhere, such as private health insurance (VHI, LAYA Healthcare, Irish Life etc.) or Personal Accident insurance policies (Allianz Schools policy).


There is no legal obligation on the Association to provide such a Fund or on any club/county to pay for a player’s medical expenses. The participation in all sports, especially contact sports, carries an inherent risk of injury which is accept by members when they voluntarily participate in sport. 


Should a member wish to pursue private treatment following an injury, they must ensure that they have the adequate financial resources to cover such treatment and must not rely solely on the LGFA Injury Fund for reimbursement. All members should make themselves aware of the benefits and procedures in place relating to the Injury Fund. 


Full details of the benefits and terms of the LGFA Injury Fund are available online at