Club Covid-19 Guidelines
- Aug 23,2021
Club Covid-19 Guidelines
Club Activity resuming now we wanted to issue a reminder of the guidelines that all should still have in place and adhere to.
The below are the most recent updates; (20th July)
Covid Return to Play Guidelines – given the increased transmissibility of the virus and levels in the community currently, it is now more important than ever that the Return to Play Guidelines issued previously are strictly followed if the playing season is to pass off successfully. There should be no indoor activity whatsoever at club level, and at county level we again strongly advise that indoor activity is limited to whatever is strictly necessary. Players and officials also need to be diligent in following travel guidelines to training and games (i.e., traveling separately whenever possible). and broadly ensuring the number of close contacts for players and members is kept to a minimum.
Cross-border Challenge Games – Challenge games between clubs or counties in the North and those in the South are now permitted.
Outdoor Meetings – Outdoor gatherings of up to 200 people continue to be permitted. In this context, it is permitted to hold club or county committee meetings outdoors (e.g. in stands etc) provided appropriate social distancing measures and risk minimisation protocols are observed (wearing of masks, hand sanitising on entry etc)
Quarantine after Travel abroad – Where quarantine after Travel abroad is a government requirement, it is essential that all of our members adhere to the relevant advice - as such, if a player, coach or member of the Association participates in a training session or game in contravention of quarantine rules in the relevant jurisdiction, they may be dealt with under CODA Rules.
Clubs in the 26 Counties - (9th July)
The latest information on what to do as a Close Contact if you have been fully vaccinated in the 26 Counties is available HERE.
In essence, adults and children over the age of 13 who are not displaying symptoms and who are designated as a close contact of a positive case DO NOT need to restrict their movements or be tested for Covid-19 if it is more than:
7 days after your 2nd Pfizer-BioNTech dose
14 days after your 2nd Moderna dose
14 days after the Janssen vaccine
15 days after your 2nd AstraZeneca dose
Notwithstanding the above, the advice of the HSE in each individual case should always be followed.
LGFA Match Regulations for Covid 19.pdf