LEVEL 2 referee Rules Refresher Course

  • Jul 12,2021
LEVEL 2 referee Rules Refresher Course -

Due to the huge growth of our game at club level Dublin LGFA are currently experiencing a short fall of experienced referees.

Dublin LGFA are appealing to former LGFA and or GAA football referees to sign up for the 'LEVEL 2 referee Rules Refresher Course' which is taking place on-line on Saturday July 17th from 10am to 12 noon. 

By participating on this course referees will be re-qualified to officiate LGFA games within Dublin.
Participants must be 18 years of age or over.

Booking is available via our website https://dublinladiesgaelic.ie/registration/
This course will be delivered via the GAA E-Learning portal. 

Click on the link below to learn how to set up an E-Learning account

Elearning Registration Guidelines.pdf