Latest Return to Play Guidelines

  • Jun 02,2021

COVID - Updated Return to Play Guidelines 

The Irish Government last Friday confirmed a further relaxation of Covid-19 restrictions to take affect from Monday, June 7th.


In terms of Gaelic Games, the impact of this for various activities is outlined below.


Games/Attendances From June 7th, competitive and challenge games at all levels of club and inter-county are permitted to take place. However, it is essential that the LGFA clubs continue to proceed with caution and that the Return to Play Protocols continue to be followed.


In terms of attendances, 100 spectators will be permitted to attend LGFA games in the 26 Counties from Monday, June 7th. This number is in addition to players, team personnel, stewards or media attendees.


Where a ground has a minimum accredited capacity of 5,000, a maximum of 200 spectators can attend.


It is likely that from July 5th, up to 200 spectators may be permitted to attend games, and up to 500 may be permitted in grounds with a minimum capacity of 5,000. However this will depend on progress in broader society – if these increases are to be permitted, LGFA will advise in advance of July 5th.


Where attendances are permitted at games, the advice in the attached document, prepared by the GAA National Health and Safety Committee needs to be followed. For underage games, where parents are attending in a child-protection capacity, they will count as part of the 100 spectators permitted to attend.   


All grounds should have appropriate dispersion measures in place at all entrances and exits and parents/guardians should be advised that congregation in large groups on or outside club grounds is not permitted.


Match Regulations (Detailed documents have been emailed to all club Secretaries);


As per rule there are still maximum of 30 players (starting 15 and 15-panel members) allowed within the pitch enclosure during the playing of the game.

A maximum of 7 team officials are allowed inside pitch as per current rule.

Subs and team officials should be positioned on opposite sides of the pitch to allow for government guidelines around social distancing to be followed or alternatively guidelines are provided if teams on same side.

The use of dugouts is discouraged, but they may be used provided the government guidelines around social distancing are followed (currently 2m between each person).

Maor Uisce (Water Carriers) are not permitted.

One water break will take place between the 12th & 17th minute in each half at the referee’s discretion.

The referee has the authority during the game to send any person in breach of the regulations to the stand/outside the pitch enclosure and such person cannot be replaced.

The following guidelines should also be considered in the planning of finals when they occur. 


Trophy Presentations:

Ideally, the physical handing over of cups should be avoided. Instead the trophy can be placed on a stand or presentation podium between the presenter and the recipient. Hand sanitising measures should be in place if a trophy is going to be presented. 

If speeches are deemed a requirement, special attention should be paid to how they are facilitated. The sharing of microphones should be avoided; if two people intend speaking it would be preferable to have two microphones available to avoid the sharing of microphones or the need to sanitise one after the first speaker.            


Group team photographs are discouraged for the obvious reason of the challenges they present as regards social distancing. If being taken all players must be socially distanced.

In line with the above please also pay attention to promotional photographs being taken for the launch of competitions or prior to finals to ensure strict social distancing is in place between players and team representatives.


A blitz is defined as an event bringing more than two teams together. It is essential that clear guidelines are followed in relation to blitzes with a maximum of 100 people designated per pitch. Please follow guidelines for blitzes in your respective clubs or county. These must be adhered to.


Dressing Rooms:

For club games, dressing rooms must remain closed. This is to ensure the risk of players or backroom personnel being classified as ‘close contacts’ is minimised. As in the Summer of 2020, players should arrive ready to warm-up and play and leave the ground once the relevant game is over.


Use of Gyms:

In broader society, the use of Gyms for individual training will be permitted from June 7th. However, we are advising that club or county owned gyms should remain closed for the moment, unless being used on an individual basis by players on a county panel. Again, this is being advised on the basis of ensuring the risk of an outbreak in a club among your players is minimized.


From July 5th in broader society, it is likely that indoor training, will be allowed to recommence in pods of up to 6 people. LGFA will review the position on the use of gyms at that point and provide further advice for clubs and counties in advance of July 5th.


Club Bars:

From June 7th, Club bars will be permitted to serve food and alcohol outdoors and in line with general guidance for the sector. Further information is available 


From July 5th and subject to maintaining progress with the virus, indoor services in bars and restaurants may be allowed to resume.


Drive in events:

From June 7th, Drive-in cinema and drive-in bingo events may take place.


Family fun days and other fundraising events:

It is permitted to hold family fun days or other fundraising events from June 7th, provided the numbers involved do not exceed 100 persons. It is possible that this number may increase to 200 from July 5th – again LGFA will confirm in advance of that date if this is to be permitted or not.


Indoor meetings:

All Club and county meetings should continue to be held remotely until further notice.


It is worth noting that the Government have made provisions for indoor events to be allowed return from July 5th. However, these will be subject to a maximum of 50 attendees, in groups of up to 6 people and with arrangements in place to ensure no intermingling of groups. Again LGFA will advise further in this context in advance of July 5th.


LGFA thank you again for your continued cooperation as we return to our games.




Helen O’Rourke