Challenge Games Update
- May 28,2021
As Pre-season preparations continue clubs are reminded of the following regulations pertaining to the organisation of challenge games.
No club challenge game can take place before Monday 7th June 2021.
If your club wishes to play a challenge game at any given time after this date permission must be sought from the Dublin LGFA County Board.
This is in accordance with the rules pertaining the LGFA player injury fund scheme. Players must be registered members of the LGFA.
1. Permission requests must be emailed to Patricia at a minimum 48 hours before a game, ideally by the club Secretary.
2. Email should contain name of both participating teams, venue, time, date and age grade.
3. If the request is in order and permission is granted for the game to proceed, the relevant referee assignor will appoint a covid compliant referee to the fixture. Clubs are not permitted to appoint their own referee.
4. PLEASE NOTE under current guidelines clubs must leave 7 clear days between challenge games.
5.Permission will not be granted to Juvenile challenge games (U12-Minor) on Wednesday nights.
U8-U11 juvenile challenge games can proceed on Wednesday dates once permission has been obtained from the office as these fixtures are officiated by home club / suitably qualified referees.
Dublin LGFA would recommend that in light of the ongoing situation re Covid-19 where possible clubs would consider refraining from organising juvenile challenge games outside of the County.
Up coming club fixtures have been organised where possible locally / regionally to try to limit the movement of players, parents / guardians, mentors and referees.
This regulations are in place to protect and keep our members safe and well so we can all look forward to returning to the field of play.