Return to Play - latest

  • May 12,2021

Information for Clubs


Adult and Underage Training From Monday, May 10th, both adult and underage training are permitted on a full contact basis in pods of 15 for all Gaelic Games teams in the 26 Counties. Games (including challenge games) will not be permitted until June 7th.


Please ensure all players are registered to be covered in the LGFA Injury Fund. Players registered in 2020 are covered up until June 30th 2021. NEW and RETURNING players must be registered ASAP no player should take part in a training session before they are registered. 


Indoor use of facilities We wish to remind all clubs that use of indoor facilities for LGFA activity is not permitted.


Gym facilities must remain closed (exception: A player on an inter county panel may use their relevant Club Gym for individual training as long as they are following the advice in the Inter County Return to Training and Play document)


The only instances where indoor facilities for non-GAA/LGFA activities can be used are where:

  1. agreement was in place prior to March 2020.
  2. relevant insurance is in place and
  3. The activity is one permitted at a given point in time under the Government’s “Resilience and Recovery – the Path Ahead” or in line with Executive protocols in the North.

Use by State bodies (e.g. HSE/Dept of Health/Dept of Education) is also permitted.