Foireann - NEW Registration System

  • Mar 10,2021


In 2021, the Gaelic Games family as in the LGFA, GAA, Camogie, Handball and the Rounder’s Associations will all be using a NEW single, integrated membership system for the first time called FOIREANN.

This new system brings better functionality for both clubs and their members including online membership subscriptions, on-line payments, streamlined communications, team management, event management, health questionnaires and attendance recording.  

The old ‘Servasport System’ is now no longer operational. Clubs can still access their data on the ‘Servasport’ platform using their log in details.

Players, club officers, officials and members registered in 2020 have had their membership information migrated over to the new ‘Foireann’ system. Anyone registered with the LGFA in 2020 is registered up until the end of June 2021.

Membership renewals or registration of new or returning members can only be processed now on the new system ‘Foireann’.

If you are involved in collecting your club’s membership subscriptions or registering your members with the LGFA you should ensure that you have access to login to ‘Foireann’ and are familiar with how to use the system.  

Every club must activate a Stripe account. If your club is not using ‘Foireann’ for membership collection the registration payments to the LGFA will still need to be made using Stripe. Further information on how to setup a Stripe account is available here:

Online training and webinars will be delivered throughout this coming month to assist club registrars; details of these are listed below;

Tuesday, March 16th at 7:00 PM

Thursday, March 18th at 7:00 PM

Monday, March 22nd at 7:00 PM

Wednesday, March 24th at 7:00 PM

Monday, March 29th at 8:00 PM

Wednesday, March 31st at 8:00 PM

These will be interactive sessions and will provide an opportunity for Q&A If you wish to attend, please register on the following link. :

In the meantime please click on the link below for information and tutorial videos on ‘Foireann’.