Referee / Coaching Webinars Update
- Feb 04,2021
Here is an update on the status of the GYW Go Games Referee, Fundamentals Coaching and Youth Club Referee upcoming webinars that Dublin LGFA have organised, and which are available to book via our website.
The GYW Go Games referees’ webinars on the 13th and 20th of February are now fully subscribed.
The GYW Go Games referees’ webinars on the 27th of February and 2nd of March are showing on the booking system as available but are in fact fully booked, with 19 out of the 20 places available on each course booked and paid for.
Two people have “created a booking” on each course which the system includes in the overall tally. I have contacted both asking them to log back into the system and conclude their transaction. Basically, it is like their course booking is sitting in their shopping basket and now needs to be paid for or cancelled.
So please note the event registration system will not permit further bookings on either course dated the 27th of February and 2nd of March 2021.
There are places available to book on the GYW Go Games referees’ webinars listed below.
Places are going fast, and I would remind people to finalise their transaction and not to just “create a booking” on the system. The webinar link for each course will only be sent to those who have completed their booking and paid the course fee in full. Course fee €10.00.
GYW Go Games referees’ webinars.
- 15th of February 7-9pm
- 6th of March, 10am – 12 noon
- 13th of March 7-9pm
- 18th of March 7-9pm
Reminder participants can be 15 years of age doing the GYW Go Games referees’ webinar but must be 16 to officiate. Newly qualified referees are required to be Garda vetted and obtain a Safeguarding children certificate in line with Government and LGFA guidelines.
Dublin LGFA Referee development policy is that newly qualified GYW Go Games referees officiate HOME U8 and U9 club fixtures as appointed by their club referee coordinator. Moving to U10 in year two and to U11 in year three.
There are several places still available on the Youth Club Referee Course / Webinar this is aimed at young referees who have been officiating Go Games for 3 years plus and who now wish to move up into the U12 to U13 ranks (Dublin policy).
Youth Club Referee Course - would also suit those who may have been involved in refereeing other juvenile GAA codes for three years or more and or former or indeed adult club female players who have a good knowledge of the rules and would prefer not to begin their referee career at GG level.
Participants must be 17 years or older to take part, the webinar is rolled out over two dates (1) 17th February (2) 3rd March at 7-9pm, course fee €20.00. Again, referees will be required to obtain Garda vetting and obtain a Safeguarding children certificate in line with Government and LGFA guidelines.
Fundamentals coaching webinar running over two dates 25th February and 4th of March, both 7-9pm is almost fully subscribed. At time of writing four places remain available.
This course is aimed at people wishing to start coaching, those new to coaching females, players looking to help at their club nursery, or maybe parents wishing to give their child’s team coach a lending hand etc.,
Fundamentals is the first step on the LGFA coaching pathway. This online Fundamentals course will be organised over two webinars, each 2 hours duration.
Note this is a mandatory requirement of coaching qualification for those coaching at juvenile level as per the Children’s Act of 2015. New mentors will be required to be Garda vetted and obtain a Safeguarding children certificate.
Course participants must be 16 years or older, fee €20.00 per person.
To book a place on any of the Dublin LGFA organised webinars members must create an account with Sportslomo.
Simply click on “Event Registration” button located at the top right corner of our website banner www.dublinladiesgaelic.ie and follow the account set up instructions.
Some members may have previously created a user account if so please log in using your registered email address and password. If you can’t remember your password, simply hit “forgot password” and you will emailed a link to create a new one.
Please insure you provide the correct email address, or you may not receive the required webinar link.
Dublin will provide the LGFA / Croke Park appointed course tutor with the list of members who have booked and paid in full for the course. LGFA in turn will issue the webinar link directly to that member hence the importance of having the correct email address.
Please be mindful if making multiple bookings on behalf of others to provide an email address for each person.
Queries can be directed to info@dublinladiesgaelic.ie