Update on Government / LGFA Covid19 guidelines

  • Sep 22,2020

Update on Government / LGFA Covid19 guidelines

Clarified by County Secretary Mary O'Connor with the LGFA

Underage players as part of an adult panel -

Any player that is currently part of an adult panel can continue playing with that adult panel. Underage fixtures are currently not allowed.

Adult club fixtures including league cup -
The guidelines include all adult matches and not just championship ‘If a county moves to a Level 3 classification, no spectators are permitted, but adult club and county matches can continue to take place behind closed doors. Underage games cannot take place (U-18 or below)'

Currently, Dublin City Council will not allow fixtures to be played on DCC owned parks under Level 3.

However, juvenile and adult training can proceed in these grounds if Government and GAA guidelines are followed.

Therefore the following rule applies; a. Where a home team’s pitch is unplayable for any fixture the game must be switched to a suitable agreed alternative or to the opponent’s pitch. It shall be the responsibility of the home team to find a suitable alternative and to make all necessary arrangements i.e.; notify the opposition, notify the referee, advise the Fixtures Secretary or his/her representative, etc