Championship Fixtures and Info

  • Jul 27,2020

Updated Fixtures for Adult championships weeks 29th July and 5th August. 

NO GAMES time or venue can be changed unless notified to Adult Coordinator Stephen Harbron email: it is vital that all changes be notified to firstly to the County Board to ensure our records are up to date and Covid compliant 


Reminder referees must be contacted and confirmed a minimum 48 hours before the game to confirm their availability. 

If the appointed referee is unavailable you must contact Stephen Harbron 0879455119 and a replacement official will be organised.

Please note the following rules:

LGFA Official Guide Rule 328.  

Each team must have at least 11 players to commence a match, but a match may be continued or finished with less than 11 players. The full complement of players may be added during the course of the game, upon notifying the referee.  


LGFA Official Guide Rule 329.  

Duplicate lists of players, giving full names, and in the case of Inter-County games, Clubs to which the players belong, must be given to the referee before the commencement of the game in all official games. The number on the player’s jersey must correspond with that player’s name. Where more than 15 names appear on the team lists, the first 15 shall be taken as constituting the actual team, unless otherwise clearly indicated.

Adult Fixtures 29th July.xlsx

Adult Fixtures 5th August.xlsx

2020 Playing Rules as approved 14-07-2020.doc