Winner - Club Superhero

  • May 22,2020

Dublin LGFA are delighted to announce that the winner of our Club SuperHero initiative is ....Elaine Rooney. 


Firstly, a BIG thank you to everyone who submitted nominations. We were overwhelmed learning about all the fantastic volunteer work being carrying out by club people in their respective communities right across our County during these unprecedented times. 

HERE is Elaine’s story ....

Elaine is a busy mother & also is Club PRO in St Sylvesters GAA club. During the Covid-19 public health emergency, Elaine has driven and provided leadership in a number of volunteer initiatives in the Malahide community and surrounding areas.

Elaine, coordinates an army of around 80 Volunteers from St Sylvesters GAA club who help deliver essential deliveries for those not able to carry out the journeys themselves in the Malahide, Portmarnock, Swords and Kinsealy areas. 

Elaine carries out many of the deliveries herself. It's estimated that up to 3000 deliveries have been carried up to date by Syls club volunteers. Another service she helps co-ordinate is dog walking! 

#SylsDoItForDan, Elaine coordinated the St Sylvesters fund raising campaign for Dan Donoher, the child with the rare disease SMA type 1, who Ireland rallied around to help raise two million euros to ensure he received the much needed urgent medical care.

#Sylversters4Pieta, Elaine is assisting club members with their latest campaign which is a 24 hour fund raising activity to help raise funds for Pieta House.

Elaine has also setup a Business Network on LinkedIn, the objective of the network is for Sylvester’s members, players & friends to connect & share business ideas & work opportunities during the public health emergency.

As you can see, Elaine is without question a Club Superhero! 

An O’Neills voucher worth €150 is on its way to Elaine as a thank you from us here in Dublin LGFA.