Weekly notes 19th November
- Nov 19,2018
Dublin LGFA Weekly Notes:
Club scene:
A great weekend for club football in Dublin as both Foxrock Cabinteely and Clontarf qualified for the senior and intermediate club All Ireland finals. An injury time goal by Roisin McGovern secured victory for Foxrock Cabinteely over Donaghmoyne winning on the score line of 2-08 to 1-08 while Clontarf enjoyed a comprehensive win over St Brendan’s of Galway, FT score 6-09 to 0-06.
Match reports from both games are available to read on our website www.dublinladiesgaelic.ie
Both All Ireland finals will take place on Saturday December 8th, venue & times TBC shortly by the LGFA.
Senior final: Foxrock Cabinteely v Mourneabbey (Cork), Intermediate final: Clontarf v Emmet Óg (Monaghan).
November County Board meeting:
A meeting of the Dublin LGFA will take place on Tuesday November 19th at 7:30pm sharp in Parnell Park.
Notice of Dublin Annual County Convention 2018:
The Annual County Convention of Dublin Ladies Gaelic Football will take place on Saturday December 1st 2018. The convention will take place in the Clayton Dublin Airport Hotel (previously Bewley’s, just off Clonshaugh Road at end N50) from 10am to 1pm.
Christmas Corporate Lunch:
The Dublin senior football team are holding a fund raising corporate lunch in Clontarf Castle on Friday the 14th of December. The event will be hosted by Daragh Moloney with special guests Brian O’Driscoll, Fiona Coghlan, Lindsay Peat, Joe Brolly and Paul Flynn. For booking information please contact Joan Kehoe JoanKehoe@outlook.ie
For all the latest news and information on Dublin LGFA log onto our website www.dublinladiesgaelic.ie or follow us on social media we are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram