Weekly notes Monday 5th March

  • Mar 05,2018

Weekly notes 5th of March 2018:

March County Board meeting:
A meeting of the Dublin LGFA will take place on Tuesday the 6th of March at 7.30pm sharp in Parnell Park. The main item on the meeting agenda will be Adult gradings. County Secretary Mary O’Connor will issue the full agenda etc., to clubs in advance of the meeting.

Dublin LGFA Strategic Plan:
Clubs would have received an email (Feb 28th) from County Secretary Mary O’Connor inviting them to attend a strategic plan meeting in the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Santry this coming Saturday commencing at 10am. It is imperative that clubs attend and give their input, can clubs confirm their attendees by 6th March to secretary.Dublin@lgfa.ie

AIG Feile 2018:
The closing date for receipt of Feile entries is Tuesday March 6th at 5pm (close of business). Entry forms and panels are to be emailed to info@dublinladiesgaelic.ie Feile entry fees of €100 per team can be paid by cheque, ETF or PayPal.

Note: AIG Feile entry forms players (24 max.) may be listed in any order on the form, a list of players to match jersey number worn will be required on the day of competition. Changes to the AIG Féile panel (due to injury/unavailability of named player, addition of newly joined/returning player) will only be allowed up to Friday 6th April at noon.

GFP O’Connor Cup weekend:
Good luck to all the Dublin colleges involved in this weekend’s Gourmet Food Parlour O’Connor cup weekend. Details on fixtures, venues and times can be found on www.ladiesgaelic.ie

Pitch playability:

Following the recent spell of inclement weather the County Board are monitoring the situation regarding pitch availability for this coming weekends club fixtures. A decision regarding all club fixtures will be made mid-week.

For all the latest news and information from Dublin LGFA please log onto our website www.dublinladiesgaelic.ie or follow us on social media you will find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram