North East Inner City Sport & Wellbeing Proposal

  • Feb 16,2018

North East Inner City Sport & Wellbeing Proposal in conjunction with LGFA and Dublin Ladies Gaelic Football  

The Ladies Gaelic Football Association is pleased to announce details of a North East Inner City (Dublin) Sport and Wellbeing proposal, in conjunction with Dublin Ladies Gaelic Football.

Under the terms of this project, the LGFA and Dublin LGFA will, in conjunction with Dublin City Council, commit to developing a quality school club link programme that will:

1.Promote teenage girls being active via Ladies Football in North East Inner City Dublin. 

2.Create a culture of Ladies Football in the proposed school(s)…a sense of pride! 

3.Provide a fun four-week programme of Ladies Gaelic Football activities to attract new girls aged 13-15 from local post primary schools into the local club. 

4.Provide a fun blitz day whereby the girls can demonstrate skills learned in an safe and enjoyment environment. 

5.Provide Teachers and Coaches, with LGFA Coaching skills that will be transferable to many aspects of academic (PE Curriculum) and social situations both inside and outside the school i.e. local LGFA clubs. 

The programme will engage with following key stakeholders:•Dublin Ladies County Board. •Scoil Ui Chonaill Ladies Club. •Larkin College. •Mount Carmel Post Primary School. 

Programme Proposal:

Link with Dublin Ladies County Board and the Scoil Ui Chonaill club to identify a co-ordinator and coaches to assist with roll out of the programme 

Teachers, with assistance from local qualified LGFA Club coaches and support from Dublin Ladies County Board, will deliver a four-week coaching programme in Mount Carmel Post Primary School and Larkin College.  

Local coaches with assistance from the teachers will organise and deliver a ladies football fun blitz in the setting of the local club. 

LGFA to deliver a TEACH Programme in a central venue to minimum of 12 and maximum of 25 Teachers/Coaches. 

Teachers/Coaches will be educated on the basic coaching principles in a fun and practical way and provided with four, fun sample coaching sessions specific for this age group.  Outline of the programme will also be communicated.

The project will commence next Monday, February 19, at Larkin College, and next Thursday, February 22, at Mount Carmel Post Primary School.