Dublin Ladies Football Goalkeeping Workshop

  • Feb 09,2018

Dublin Ladies Football Goalkeeping Workshop 

“Coaching Your Goalkeeper”

A workshop focussing on key goalkeeping areas, and providing information on some of the important aspects of coaching underage / senior female goalkeepers.

The course will primarily focus primarily on coaching underage goalkeepers, i.e. 12 – 18 years (however the tutor will also look at similar situations at senior level).

Saturday February 17th 2018

Venue: IT Blanchardstown GAA Pitch & S-Block Classroom 

Registration 9.30am – Workshop starts at 10 am sharp to finish around 3.30pm

Areas covered will include:

•Goalkeeping Basics and Warm-Ups


•Dealing with high balls


Please bring a change of clothes as all coaches will be participating in the goalkeeping activities during the day. 

Cost: €20 for the day which includes refreshments - please download a form and return to info@dublinladiesgaelic.ie

Goalkeeping Workshop Booking Form 2018.docx