Weekly notes Monday 29th January
- Jan 29,2018
Congratulations to the Dublin senior squad on their 2-05 to 0-07 win over Donegal in the opening round of the league last Sunday. The match report from the game is available to read on our website www.dublinladiesgaelic.ie
This coming Sunday Dublin play Westmeath away in round 2 of the league. The venue for the game has been confirmed as St Loman’s GAA club, Mullingar. Throw in time is to be confirmed.
Dublin LGFA County Board Meetings
There will be two County board meetings held in February they are scheduled to take place on 13th February, agenda items for this meeting to include juvenile competition gradings (U13 to minor). The second monthly meeting will take place on the 20th of February where by the adult competition gradings will be discussed.
Both meetings are scheduled to take place in Parnell Park, commencing at 7.30 promptly. Official correspondence for each meeting is required to be submitted to the County Secretary, Mary O’Connor by 5th February for the meeting on the 13th and on or before the 12th of February for the meeting taking place on the 20th of February.
Juvenile competitions for U13 to minor grades are due to commence on the 24/25th of February.
Club Children’s Officer Training Evening
Dublin LGFA are holding a club children’s officers training evening on Monday February 5th in Parnells GAA club, Coolock commencing at 7pm sharp, the following formal courses will be delivered:
Safeguarding 1 - Child Protection in Sport Awareness Workshop; relevant to coaches and others who work in a regulated role with children with in the association.
Safeguarding 2 – Club Children’s Officer Training for Club Children’s Officer
If you have any queries please contact Bernice Jones Moore, brnc-jns@hotmail.com
Juvenile Club Referee Coordinator
Each club should appoint a referee coordinator to look after the appointment of referees for their HOME Under 8 to Under 11 games. The Coordinator is the point of contact for other local clubs should either club need assistance to provide sufficient cover for upcoming games. Contact with underage referees must be via the Club Coordinator. If no Coordinator information is received then the Dublin Ladies Football point of contact for your club will be considered to be the coordinator.
Please provide the Referee Coordinator details (name, number and email address) to info@dublinladiesgaelic.ie.
Children First Act 2015
Please ensure your mentors are compliant with the requirements below;
All mentors of underage teams MUST be 16 years of age or older, MUST at minimum have completed FUNdamentals/Foundation Coaching course, MUST have completed the Child Safeguarding Certificate (formerly code of ethics), MUST be registered with the Association, MUST be Garda vetted.
Dublin Club affiliations for 2018
Just a reminder that 2018 club affiliation fees are due for payment on or before the 31st of January 2018
Adult Player Regrading Forms
Player regrading forms are due to be submitted by the 2nd February. Please note that regrading applies to adult players and also players who have fielded on a higher adult team when underage and who wish to field for a lower adult team in 2018.
Dublin LGFA County Board Delegates
Clubs are requested to specify their county board delegates for the coming year to secretary.dublin@lgfa.ie. Each club may have three authorised delegates at County board meetings who must be LGFA registered and may speak on behalf of their club and participate in voting. If three delegates attend one must be a current player. A delegate may be substituted by someone not on the panel by means of written communication prior to 5pm on the day of a meeting.
Designated email addresses
Each club has a designated email address for conduct of official LGFA business.
This is in the format clubname.dublin@lgfaclubs.ie
This is the preferred address for communication to and from clubs.
If you have not activated this address the club designated contact for Ladies Football should email info@lgfa.ie to obtain access to this email address.
Due to incoming GDPR requirements this will be the only address for official correspondence by mid-year 2018.
For all the latest news and information on Dublin LGFA log onto our website www.dublinladiesgaelic.ie or follow us on social media we are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram