Juvenile Club Competition Information 2017
- Feb 15,2017
Juvenile Club Competition Information 2017:
A meeting of the Dublin LGFA County Committee took place last night (February 14th) in Parnell Park to debate and vote upon the 2017 competition season for U8 up to and including minor grades.
Please find below attached information pertaining to Juvenile competitions for 2017 from U13 up to Minor:
Ratified Juvenile Gradings 2017.pdf
Ratified Juvenile Calendar 2017.pdf
2017 Playing Rules U13 to Adult.pdf
In relation to small sided games the U8 to U11 format will remain the same as in 2016 however there is a change to the format of our U12 competitions for 2017. Our spring season will be played as before non-competitive small sided games however the Autumn series of fixtures will be played as a league format (non competitive). This will assist the County with the U13 league gradings for 2018.
Small sided Playing rules 2017.pptx