Weekly notes 12th December

  • Dec 12,2016

Dublin LGFA Weekly Notes – 

Our annual New Ireland Assurance Dub Stars event will take place on January 8th in DCU St Clare’s commencing at 11:30am with the Junior Dub Stars game followed by the Dub Stars team of 2016 taking on the Dublin Senior team at 1pm.

Entry into the event is FREE however we are asking patrons to support our official charity partner of 2016 – Aoibheann’s Pink Tie by donating to their bucket collection on the day.

The LGFA are now accepting applications for 2017 Gaelic4Girls programme, more information about the programme and to download an application form please log onto the LGFA website www.ladiesgaelic.ie the closing date for applications is January 20th with only two clubs chosen per County.

The first County Board meeting of 2017 will take place on the 17th of January in Parnell Park commencing at 7:30pm sharp. Transfer applications must be with County Secretary Mary O’Connor on or before the 15th of January. Please note there are only two dates available for internal Dublin club transfers the 17th of January and the 18th of July.

For all the latest news and information on Dublin LGFA please log onto our website www.dublinladiesgaelic.ie or you can also follow us on social media we can be found on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram