Child Protection and Sport Seminar

  • Nov 14,2016

Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Sports Partnership and UCD Sport are hosting the second of our FREE seminars on the evening of Tuesday the 22nd November that will look at the area of child protection and sport.

Of particular interest to your club Children’s Officer, this seminar will set out to give clear information around the various elements that clubs are responsible for with regards to child protection including legislation, vetting, training and best practice.

Expert speakers from Sport Ireland, UCD and Special Olympics will speak on child protection issues that affect all sports and clubs. They will outline the procedures clubs are required to take to ensure all children in their care are in a safe environment and address any questions clubs may have.

The agenda for the evening will cover the following topics:

•             National Training & Vetting Update - Bernie Priestly (Code of Ethics Manager, Sport Ireland)

•             Child Protection & the Law - Dr. Paul Ward (UCD Lecturer in Child & Family Law)

•             Ensuring a Safe Environment in your Club - Peter O’Brien (Seapoint Rugby & Special Olympics Ireland)

Admission is free, but places are limited and you must pre-register at

This seminar is organised by Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown Sports Partnership and UCD Sport with support from Sport Ireland. Tea/Coffee will be available from 6.30pm.

For more information on this seminar or to contact Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Sports Partnership regarding the various supports we offer clubs, please call us on 01-2719502.