PRO Workshop Monday August 29th
- Aug 19,2016
PRO Workshop -
Leinster PRO Donal Fitzpatrick has arranged a workshop which is open to all county and club PROs within Leinster to attend.
Derek Kinnevey, PR and Media Manager for the LGFA will be hosting the PRO Workshop on Monday 29th August in Aras Laighean, Portlaoise beginning at 7.00pm.
As we all know every club needs publicity it helps development and attracts new members as well as encouraging and motivating present members. The PRO is a responsible position as a good PRO can be very beneficial to the club. The media are not obliged to cover Ladies Gaelic Football therefore in order to ensure increased publicity the PROs must be self?promoting. The main function of the PRO is to communicate with the general public on behalf of the club presenting a positive image to the club and Ladies Gaelic Football in the local community and beyond.
Derek will be looking at a number of topics including the use of Social Media, fundraising and sponsorship, building connections with local newspapers and radio stations and other aspects of the PRO Position. This is also a great opportunity to come meet and network with other PROs both on a club and county level. Exchanging ideas and building contacts are vital to running a successful publicity campaign for the club and also makes the workload more manageable. Gaining hints and ideas from other PROs will help to develop your club and your own ideas.
The details for the PRO workshop are as follows:
Date: Monday 29th August 2016
Venue: Aras Laighean, Portlaoise, Co. Laois
Time: 7.00pm (workshop will last approximately 90 minutes)
If you are interested in attending this workshop or would like some more information please contact Linda Monaghan, Leinster GDO, at gdo.leinster@lgfa.ie or Donal Fitzpatrick, Leinster PRO, at leinsterpro@gmail.com.