U16 LFC Dublin 11-14 Laois 4-10

  • Mar 29,2016


Report courtesy of WeAreDublin 

Dublin 11-14
Laois 4-10

Dublin's U16 Ladies Footballers turned around an eleven point half time deficit, into a twenty five point victory in their fourth round Leinster Championship tussle with Laois, which was played today in Ballyboden St Enda's Gaa Club.

It was a rip roaring contest with Laois the better side in the first thirty minutes and they took full advantage of that early dominance and took their chances to build up an eleven point half time lead.

The main stars of the show for Laois in the first half were Emma Lalor, Erone Fitzpatrick and Rachel Fitzgerald who caused the Dublin defence plenty of headaches with their direct and incisive running.By the break that trio of players had racked up 3-09 between them.

Dublin played against a stiff wind in the first half and struggled for accuracy in the conditions in the opening quarter, hitting a number of wides.

But goals from Naoise Tobin and substitute Kate McNally just about kept Dublin in the game and at the halftime whistle, Laois were well in control on a scoreline of 4-09 to 2-04.

The other Laois goal was actually an own goal, a shot across the square by Emma Lalor, was deflected by the outstretched arm of one of the Dublin defenders into the back of their own net.

Dublin needed a good start to the second period and quickly reduced the deficit with three quick points in a row from Ciara Murray, Emma McCormac and Sarah McMahon.

Then came the turning point, Kate McNally received a pass just to the right of the square, she turned inside and hit a thunderbolt of a shot from an acute angle to score a stunning goal.

That score opened the floodgates as Dublin went goal crazy as they hit six of the best in a row in a ten minute blitz.

Dublin opened up the Laois rearguard with ease during the second period with a combination of quick accurate passing and strong running from deep.

The Dublin goals came from Sarah McMahon, Ciara Murray, Rachel Brennan, Emma McCormac, Caoimhe O'Connor from the penalty spot and Kate McNally who completed her hat-trick of goals with another excellent finish.

Laois were struggling to get out of their own half and even when they did manage to break forward, they came up against a blue wall as the Dublin defenders denied them any space or time on the ball and turned the ball over time after time.

After being so free scoring in the first half, Laois found is much more difficult to add to their tally after the break thanks to Dublin's watertight and tigerish defending. They could only muster one score in the entire second period, that score was a point by Erone Fitzpatrick.

At the other end of the field Dublin were running amuck, a point by Sarah McMahon was followed by a quick 1-01 from Ciara Murray.

Dublin were camped in the Laois half and drove for home with a brace of points from Jodi Egan and Jessica Connolly and another point for the impressive Ciara Murray.

With the minutes running down, there was still enough time for the girls in blue to put the icing on the cake and it came from Caoimhe O'Connor who after some neat approach play, blasted the ball to the back of the Laois net, to score incredibly the Dubs eleventh goal of the contest and run out twenty five point victors.

It was an incredible exhibition of Dublin's scoring power, particularly in the second half and you just had to admire their tenacity and hunger right through to the final whistle. Dublin will now turn their attention to their fifth round opponents Louth in a couple of weeks time.

Dublin Scorers:

Ciara Murray 2-04
Kate McNally 3-00
Caoimhe O'Connor 2-00 
Emma McCormac 1-02
Sarah McMahon 1-02
Rachel Brennan 1-00
Naoise Tobin 1-00
Jodi Egan 0-02
Jessica Connolly 0-02
Sarah Fagan 0-01
Eimear Loughlin 0-01

Laois Scorers:

Emma Lalor 1-06
Erone Fitzpatrick 1-02
Rachel Fitzgerald 1-01
Ciara Hughes 0-01