Weekly notes 7th March
- Mar 07,2016
Dublin LGFA Weekly Notes:
Inter County Update:
Congratulations to our senior and U16 squads who over the weekend had comprehensive victories over Tyrone and Longford respectively. This coming Saturday our U14 team travel to Wexford for their second round game in the Leinster championship, venue / time TBC by Leinster Council.
March County Board Meetings:
There will be two County Board meetings in March; the first on the 8th of March will deal with Feile gradings, rules and regulations plus unfinished transfer applications from the February meeting. The second meeting on the 15th will deal with adult team gradings for 2016. Clubs are requested to have a delegate present at both meetings the agenda and information will be issued to club Secretaries in advance of the meeting. Both meetings will take place in Parnell Park commencing at 7.30pm
For all the latest news and information on Dublin LGFA log onto our website www.dublinladiesgaelic.ie or follow us on social media we are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram