Info - Go Ahead Adult Club Season 2024
- Apr 02,2024
Go Ahead Adult Club Season 2024.
The 2024 Go Ahead Adult club season commences this Wednesday April 3rd with the opening round of the cup competition in divisions one to division 12. Our Dublin fixtures Officer Paul McLoughlin wishes to remind clubs and mentors of the following ahead of the new playing season.
Procedure for changing a fixture:
Both clubs MUST agree on an alternative date BEFORE seeking permission to change a game from the relevant fixture coordinator. Stephen Harbron is the adult fixtures coordinator. No game can be moved or changed without Stephen’s permission. Failure to adhere to this WILL result in the loss of points. The onus is on BOTH teams to inform the referee of any change. By agreement fixtures may be brought forward to any extent but again must be agreed by the coordinator. Only the coordinator or fixtures officer may bring proposed exceptions to these rules to the attention of the Dubin executive committee.
Changing time of venue of games:
No fixture may be moved from its designated throw-in time or postponed unless agreed by both clubs as above followed up by means of a request sent in writing (text or mail) by the club Secretary or Ladies Secretary (as appropriate) to Stephen Harbron at least 48 hours in advance of the fixture.
Any change of fixture which takes place without County Board approval may be declared null and void.
However, the home team may move the throw-in time forward or back by up to one hour but only if the referee agrees to, and is available for, the change [and light availability is not an issue]. For evening matches the time may only be moved to a later starting time.
The home team shall notify the change to the lead mentor of the opposition at least 48 hours before the original time for throw-in and shall also inform the coordinator. Shorter notice is effective only if the opposition agree.
Should a pitch become unplayable due to weather or unavailability:
Bye Law 13.1 - it shall be the responsibility of the home club to make the necessary arrangements for fixtures i.e., contact the referee at least 48hrs in advance, contact the opposition at least 48hrs in advance and provide a pitch.
a. Where a home team’s pitch is unplayable for any fixture the game must be switched to a suitable agreed alternative or to the opponent’s pitch. It shall be the responsibility of the home team to find a suitable alternative and to make all necessary arrangements i.e., notify the opposition, notify the referee, advise Stephen Harbron (adult fixtures only).
Contacting the referee:
The home team must contact the referee at least 48 hours in advance of the fixture to confirm his/her availability. Referee details have been circulated to all clubs. If the appointed referee is not available, inform the referee’s coordinator immediately.
Dublin LGFA are working to recruit a number of new match officials therefore the contact list will be updated and sent to all club Secretaries on a regular basis as more referees become available . If your fixture referee is listed as TBC please contact the relevant coordinator and they will endeavor to assign you a referee.
A copy of the 2024 playing rules is available to download by clicking the link below:
Dublin LGFA 2024 Playing rules, as ratified to 12th March 2024.docx
Contact info:
Stephen Harbron
stephenharbron@gmail.com | phone: 0879455119
Paul McLoughlin
cccdublinlgfa@gmail.com | phone: 0858019151
Note: Photography or recording of club adult fixtures under the jurisdiction of Dublin LGFA requires prior approval. All club Secretaries have received a copy of the 2024 media app form.