John West Feile Peile 2018

  • Jun 27,2018

John West Feile Peile 2018

Wishing our two Dublin representatives Ballyboden St Endas (div 1) and Westmanstown Gaels (div 4) all the very best of luck as they represented the capital in Feile Peile this weekend. 

Division 1 Group A:

Friday June 29th
Ballyboden St Endas v Carryduff 5.45pm
Ballyboden St Endas v Cill Liúcainne / Killucan 7.15pm

Saturday June 30th
Ballyboden St Endas v Bredagh 10.45am

Division 4 Group A:

Friday June 29th
Westmanstown Gaels v St Patricks 5.45pm
Westmanstown Gaels v St Brigids Gaels 7.15pm

Saturday June 30th
Westmanstown Gaels v St Fechins 10.45am